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Single key touch IC

Capacacitive single button touch detection IC

CT8233LG / LQG / LGK is a single-channel capacitive in-ear detection chip with built-in voltage stabilization module, which is specially designed to replace in-ear sensor detection.

Product detail

? Working voltage: 2.4~5.5V

? Working current: less than 1.5uA@3.0V No load (low power consumption mode)

? Complete initialization within 0.5s after power-on is stable

? Environment adaptive function, which can quickly deal with similar application scenarios such as power-on before covering media, touch power-on and so on

? Reliable power-on reset (POR)

? Built-in dithering circuit can effectively prevent misoperation caused by external noise interference

? There is no maximum output time limit for keys

? High/low level effective output, synchronization/hold mode can be set

? Standard/ultra-high sensitivity, low power consumption/fast mode can be selected

? CMOS push-pull output: CT8233LG/LQG

NMOS open drain output: CT8233LGK

? Packaging form: SOT23-6L